If you are getting an error message or Pop-UP which says The page has expired. Click OK to continue.” This means that your Cloud Control session has expired or timeout as there was no activity in your session.


The default value for session timeout is 45 minutes. Can we increase this session timeout frame, YES! You can. You set this value as per requirement of your company’s security policy. It may vary for different clients or companies.


As per your requirement you can increase the Session Timeout time by changing the value of oracle.sysman.eml.maxInactiveTime” parameter. Also note that the value for this parameter is always defined in Minutes. In-my case the requirement was to keep the session active unless the user itself does not logs out from the application. So I set the value of oracle.sysman.eml.maxInactiveTime” parameter to -1. But if let’s say you want the session to be active for 10 hours you can set the value to 600. However if you want your session be active forever like in my case, you can set its value to -1.

NOTE: Zero means that the value is set to default than 45 minutes.

To check which session timeout is currently active, you can deduct the following command.


[oracle@hanoemap1 bin]$ cd –



[oracle@hanoemap1 bin]$ ./emctl get property -name oracle.sysman.eml.maxInactiveTime

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 2

Copyright (c) 1996, 2016 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

SYSMAN password:

Value for property oracle.sysman.eml.maxInactiveTime at Global level is -1


[oracle@hanoemap1 bin]$




NOTE: This change will need your OMS to restart, if you have multi-OMS environment, you may need to bounce both OMS.

You can also change this property from EM Console if you want. Navigate to Setup -> Manage Cloud Control -> Management Servers.




From Management Servers Home Page, Drop Down Management Servers and click on Configuration properties”




On Management Server Configuration Properties Page, you can see all the properties listed, along with oracle.sysman.eml.maxInactiveTime” in our case, highlighted in Yellow.




Click on the property Name, for whom you want to change the value. It will take you to Set Property” page where you can make the changes.




Make the change in the property value and Click on Save.


DBSNMP Account Locked ORA-28000 in the Standby Database

OEM13c – The page has expired. Click OK to continue.

RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby

the ,you ,  ,to ,value ,session ,you can ,the value ,    ,sysman eml ,you want



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